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Chung Hwa Labor Service Property Union
The reason of union establishment



The union is organized and established in accordance with the Article 1 of Labor Union Act which states: ‘the Act is enacted in order to promote the solidarity of workers, provide better vocational education, enhance their status and improve their livelihood’.

Chung Hwa Labor Service Property Union (hereinafter “LSPU”) is so established, comprising the administrative and service area of the Confederation of Industries, Republic of China, for pursuing the aforesaid purposes. 

LSPU is devoted itself to improve and propagate laws/regulations related to employer/employee relationships, help enterprise to set protocols of workplace so as to reach a win-win situation and improve laborers’ living.

LSPU also helps acquaint its members with “general concepts of Labor Laws and Regulations” that benefits not only individuals but also families and society for life.

促進會員福利之事項 舉辦勞工教育、勞工安全衛生
讓所有的會員生活富足、快樂、祥和 !

LSPU assists its members:

-Dispute Settlement between employers and laborers.

-Promoting Members’ welfare, including sponsoring labor education, ensuring labor’s health and safety, counseling the employment opportunities for vulnerable unemployed people and setting up counseling centers, sheltered workshop and vocational training program and etc.

By rendering its services, all LSPU members can so better live in a richer, happy and peaceful life.



LSPU possesses the following niches,

A. 20 years of professional service and experience in CHLC Group

B. Affiliated with Association of Labor Standards Act R.O.C.

C. Experiences in Laborer certification education, counseling registration county and municipal  government mediators (employment, entrepreneurship and etc.)



Photo of LSPU Chairman and staff with Labor Bureau director Xiangxi, Lai

理事長 廖茂霖

Chairman MaoLin, Liao

理事長 廖茂霖 致企業雇主的一封信
A Letter to employers from Chairman Maolin Liao



Dear Employers,

Since the Presidential Decree dated July 30, 1984, eight industries consisting of agriculture, forestry, fishery, animal husbandry and etc. have been subject to Labor Standards Act.  Later on the date of December 31, 1998, all major industries in the country were encompassed under Labor Standards Act, in particular, white-collar workers.

After the mandatory application of Labor Standards Act, all business entities are inevitably face all related important issues.

(The statute has been fully intervened in matters of business management and cost)

一 、巨額退休金負擔:


A、Burden of huge amount of pension

For those business entities which Labor Standards Act has applied since 1984, they have been facing noticeable employees’ pension burden for employees working more than 15 years.  After 2005, when the government further announced its new labor retirement policy (6%), it drives the enterprise to face long-term operating costs (72%).

二 、管理上的牽制:


B、Management Constraint

After the application of Labor Standards Act, all labor related matters such as a company’s mobilizing or reassigning its workforce, employees’ retirement, overtime work, and wages calculation, are all not to be freely and arbitrarily decided and enforced by business owners.

According to the Act, a company’s illegal labor modus operandi is not only invalid in itself, but also begets statutory penalties, compensations and even potential lawsuits.

三 、成本的增加:


C、Increase in cost

After the application of the Labor Standards Act, as for the statutory costs (a total of nine items) including pre-announcement wages, overtime pay, layoff fees, and pensions to labor and health insurance, increased unexpected costs have added on employers, not to mention those not being familiar with law.

四 、職業災害的風險:


D、The risk of occupational injury

Most employers who are not familiar with the provisions of the Labor Standards Act incline to overlook occupational injury risks.  When the mishaps actually occur (occupational diseases or accidents), SMEs can hardly afford huge compensation in an amount of average wages of more than 169 months, and might result in civil or criminal procedure.


五 、勞資爭議、勞動檢查、勞健保局;逕條、查核、罰款問題倍增,浮上檯面:

勞基法實施已30餘年,為何以前鮮少勞資問題,只能說;以往雇主之僥倖,是勞工的無   知。而今資訊發達,媒體氾濫的報導『勞資問題』,加上勞基法之法律追溯期有五年之     久,雇主想再有此僥倖機會,已然無此機會了。

E、More and more labor problems revealed such as: labor disputes, frequent authority’s checkups, involvement of Bureau of Labor Insurance, doubled amount of fines, penalties and etc.

Labor Standards Act has been taking effect for more than 30 years to date.  Prior to the time of the enactment of the Act, employers seldom face labor disputes due to laborers’ lack or ignorance of their legal rights.  However, as “labor issues” had filled our social media feeds, and the statute of limitations for Labor Standards Act is as five years long, employers have no chance to evade legal responsibility nowadays.​


In fact, the "Labor Standards Act" does not necessarily have to be "workforce penalty."  As long as you can understand it timely and deeply, you can deal with it and solve it.

The primary topic for all owners of business entities, just like dealing with tax laws, is to reduce costs, to deal with grey area and prevent illegal violations and to enhance management performance within legal scope.


In order to help enterprises to have sustainable development and solve management issues caused by Labor Standards Act, the Association of Labor Standards Act R.O.C. and Labor Standard Laws Consulting Company are ready to help to stipulate minimum labor standards, establish labor ethics standards, protect labor rights, strengthen labor relations, and increase production capacity to facilitate social and economic development.

廖茂霖 千禧年之作2000.01.01

Written in millennium 2000/01/01 by MaoLin, Liao

Revised in 2009/08/26

電子信箱 :

服務電話 : 02-6617-2008分機12  副祕書長 陳奕升    

傳真電話 : 02-2578-9697  

本會地址 : 台北市松山區八德路三段230號三樓之一

Phone: 02-6617-2008 ext 12      

Fax: 02-2578-9697  

Headquarter Address:

3F.-1, No.230, Sec. 3, Bade Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei City 10555, Taiwan (R.O.C.)



Chung Hwa Labor Service Property Union

廖茂霖 理事長

Chairman MaoLin, Liao 


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